miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Week #8: Possessive Case

In my family are 3 family members if I tell myself. One member is Eduardo Colon. He's my dad. Melanie is other member of the family. She's my sister and my dad's daughter. My sister car is red and my car is gray. My sister's cellphone is a black berry. My fatherdon't have cellphone because he don;t know to use it.

Week #7: Mall Makeovers

This story talk about the mall make overs at Los Angeles. They planed to reconstruct some things of the mall to attract more people. They do this for attract more people to spend more money. Its competitive to design a new structure to compete with the otters malls of the town.

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Week#6: Pronouns

The best gift that I give is my love to my family. They are very special for me and I don't know what I do if a could not have them. My uncles, grandmother, cousins are the best people that I have in my life. They are a gift that God gift to me. My aunts are the best women in the world and I could give all that I have for them.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Week #5: True Love Stories

A girl was felt in love with a marine. They go out and dated for a year, but one day he go and didn't say nothing. Fur years later Bob called Grace that he can't came to her. Grace married with another man and have 5 daughters, but she don't love him. Some decades passed and Grace received a call of Bob. They- were engaged at 2005 through the phone. He said that he is going to give a ring to her , but she said that he gave her a ring 50 years ago.